
A GAP toolbox for simplicial complexes

Version 2.1.14
Released 2022-03-15

This project is maintained by Jonathan Spreer

The GAP 4 package simpcomp


simpcomp is a GAP package for working with simplicial complexes. It allows the computation of many properties of simplicial complexes (such as the f-, g- and h-vecors, the face lattice, the automorphism group, (co-)homology with explicit basis computation, intersection form, etc.) and provides the user with functions to compute new complexes from old (simplex links and stars, connected sums, cartesian products, handle additions, bistellar flips, etc.). Furthermore, it comes with an extensive library of known triangulations of manifolds and provides the user with the possibility to create own complex libraries. simpcomp caches computed properties of a simplicial complex, thus avoiding unnecessary computations, internally handles the vertex labeling of the complexes and insures the consistency of a simplicial complex throughout all operations. simpcomp relies on the GAP package homology for its homology computation, but also provides the user with an own (co-)homology algorithm in case homology is not available. For automorphism group computation the GAP package GRAPE is used, which in turn uses the program nauty by Brendan McKay. An internal automorphism group calculation algorithm in used as fallback if GRAPE is not available.


simpcomp is free software. The code is released under the GPL version 2 or later (at your preference). For the text of the GPL see the file COPYING in the simpcomp directory or


Download and installation


10/03/2022 - Version 2.1.14: Minor update

07/06/2021 - Version 2.1.13: Major update

28/05/2021 - Version 2.1.12: TEST RELEASE

31/07/2020 - Version 2.1.11: MINOR UPDATE

03/06/2019 - Version 2.1.10: MINOR UPDATE

21/10/2018 - Version 2.1.9: MINOR UPDATE

05/02/2018 - Version 2.1.8: MINOR UPDATE

29/09/2017 - Version 2.1.7: Minor update

01/02/2016 - Version 2.1.6: Minor update

22/01/2016 - Version 2.1.5: Minor update

23/12/2015 - Version 2.1.4: Minor update

04/06/2015 - Version 2.1.1: Minor update

20/05/2015 - Version 2.1.0: Major update, support for discrete Morse theory added

12/12/2013 - Version 2.0.0: FIRST RELEASE AS GAP SHARED PACKAGE

31/01/2013 - Version 1.6.1: Minor update.

22/01/2013 - Version 1.6.0: Major update.

23/11/2011 - Version 1.5.4: GAP 4.5 release: required GAP-version is now 4.5

28/10/2011 - Version 1.5.3: Tiny update

27/10/2011 - Version 1.5.2: Minor update

27/10/2011 - Version 1.5.2: Minor update

16/08/2011 - Version 1.5.1: Minor update

01/06/2011 - Version 1.5.0: Major update. Reworked most parts of package.

17/08/2010 - Version 1.3.3: Minor bug-fix

12/08/2010 - Version 1.3.2: Minor bug-fix

05/08/2010 - Version 1.3.1: Minor bug-fix

26/05/2010 - Version 1.3.0: Major update. New functions, updated library and bug fixes.

30/04/2010 - Version 1.2.73: Midsize update. simpcomp now has a mascot!

07/04/2010 - Version 1.1.43

14/01/2010 - Version 1.1.21

26/11/2009 - Version 1.1.9

16/11/2009 - Version 1.0.440

11/11/2009 - Version 1.0.435

26/10/2009 - Version 1.0.403

13/10/2009 - Version 1.0.389


The following features are planned to be supported in future versions of simpcomp:


We have thorougly tested simpcomp on errors. If you none the less encouter errors or inconsistencies when working with simpcomp, please contact the authors.


Felix Effenberger,


Jonathan Spreer,

Address: School of Mathematics and Statistics F07 The University of Sydney NSW 2006 Australia