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15 Miscellaneous functions
 15.1 simpcomp logging
 15.2 Email notification system
 15.3 Testing the functionality of simpcomp

15 Miscellaneous functions

The behaviour of simpcomp can be changed by setting cetain global options. This can be achieved by the functions described in the following.

15.1 simpcomp logging

The verbosity of the output of information to the screen during calls to functions of the package simpcomp can be controlled by setting the info level parameter via the function SCInfoLevel (15.1-1).

15.1-1 SCInfoLevel
‣ SCInfoLevel( level )( function )

Returns: true

Sets the logging verbosity of simpcomp. A level of \(0\) suppresses all output, a level of \(1\) lets simpcomp output normal running information, whereas levels of \(2\) and higher display verbose running information. Examples of functions using more verbose logging are bistellar flip-related functions.

gap> SCInfoLevel(3);
gap> c:=SCBdCrossPolytope(3);;
gap> SCReduceComplex(c); 
#I  round 0, move: [ [ 4, 5 ], [ 1, 2 ] ]
F: [ 6, 12, 8 ]
#I  round 1, move: [ [ 5 ], [ 1, 2, 3 ] ]
F: [ 5, 9, 6 ]
#I  round 1
Reduced complex, F: [ 5, 9, 6 ]
#I  round 2, move: [ [ 3 ], [ 1, 2, 6 ] ]
F: [ 4, 6, 4 ]
#I  round 2
Reduced complex, F: [ 4, 6, 4 ]
#I  SCReduceComplexEx: computed locally minimal complex after 3 rounds.
[ true, <SimplicialComplex: unnamed complex 3 | dim = 2 | n = 4>, 3 ]

15.2 Email notification system

simpcomp comes with an email notification system that can be used for being notified of the progress of lengthy computations (such as reducing a complex via bistellar flips). See below for a description of the mail notification related functions. Note that this might not work on non-Unix systems.

See SCReduceComplexEx (9.2-14) for an example computation using the email notification system.

15.2-1 SCMailClearPending
‣ SCMailClearPending( )( function )

Returns: nothing.

Clears a pending mail message.

 gap> SCMailClearPending();

15.2-2 SCMailIsEnabled
‣ SCMailIsEnabled( )( function )

Returns: true or false upon success, fail otherwise.

Returns true when the mail notification system of simpcomp is enabled, false otherwise. Default setting is false.

 gap> SCMailSetAddress("johndoe@somehost"); #enables mail notification
 gap> SCMailIsEnabled();

15.2-3 SCMailIsPending
‣ SCMailIsPending( )( function )

Returns: true or false upon success, fail otherwise.

Returns true when an email of the simpcomp email notification system is pending, false otherwise.

 gap> SCMailIsPending();

15.2-4 SCMailSend
‣ SCMailSend( message[, starttime][, forcesend] )( function )

Returns: true when the message was sent, false if it was not send, fail upon an error.

Tries to send an email to the address specified by SCMailSetAddress (15.2-6) using the Unix program mail. The optional parameter starttime specifies the starting time (as the integer Unix timestamp) a calculation was started (then the duration of the calculation is included in the email), the optional boolean parameter forcesend can be used to force the sending of an email, even if this violates the minimal email sending interval, see SCMailSetMinInterval (15.2-8).

 gap> SCMailSetAddress("johndoe@somehost"); #enables mail notification
 gap> SCMailIsEnabled();
 gap> SCMailSend("Hello, this is simpcomp.");

15.2-5 SCMailSendPending
‣ SCMailSendPending( )( function )

Returns: true upon success, fail otherwise.

Tries to send a pending email of the simpcomp email notification system. Returns true on success or if there was no mail pending.

 gap> SCMailSendPending();

15.2-6 SCMailSetAddress
‣ SCMailSetAddress( address )( function )

Returns: true upon success, fail otherwise.

Sets the email address that should be used to send notification messages and enables the mail notification system by calling SCMailSetEnabled (15.2-7)(true).

 gap> SCMailSetAddress("johndoe@somehost");

15.2-7 SCMailSetEnabled
‣ SCMailSetEnabled( flag )( function )

Returns: true upon success, fail otherwise.

Enables or disables the mail notification system of simpcomp. By default it is disabled. Returns fail if no email message was previously set with SCMailSetAddress (15.2-6).

 gap> SCMailSetAddress("johndoe@somehost"); #enables mail notification
 gap> SCMailSetEnabled(false);

15.2-8 SCMailSetMinInterval
‣ SCMailSetMinInterval( interval )( function )

Returns: true upon success, fail otherwise.

Sets the minimal time interval in seconds that mail messages can be sent by simpcomp. This prevents a flooding of the specified email address with messages sent by simpcomp. Default is 3600, i.e. one hour.

 gap> SCMailSetMinInterval(7200);

15.3 Testing the functionality of simpcomp

simpcomp makes use of the GAP internal testing mechanisms and provides the user with a function to test the functionality of the package.

15.3-1 SCRunTest
‣ SCRunTest( )( function )

Returns: true upon success, fail otherwise.

Test whether the package simpcomp is functional by calling Test("GAPROOT/pkg/simpcomp/tst/simpcomp.tst",rec(compareFunction := "uptowhitespace"));. The returned value of GAP4stones is a measure of your system performance and differs from system to system.

 gap> SCRunTest();
 simpcomp package test
 msecs: 8850

On a modern computer, the function SCRunTest should take about a minute to complete when the packages GRAPE [Soi12] and homology [DHSW11] are available. If these packages are missing, the testing will take slightly longer.

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